Elemeno P

Elemeno P appeared seemingly from out of nowhere, a four-piece with straight-arrow, energetic, power-pop anthems. Equipped with a fun-loving attitude and the charm of frontman Dave Gibson, the band soon became household favourites across the nation, releasing a trifecta of top tier albums in the space of six years.

Despite rumours they were manufactured in a record label boardroom, Elemeno P was founded by friends Justyn Pilbrow and Dave Gibson. The pair met hitchhiking back from a party in their teens and subsequently crossed paths in various bands in the Auckland jazz and punk scenes.

Elemeno P
Elemeno P bassist Lani Purkis prior to a show in Taranaki
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
Elemeno P at Edgefest Auckland
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
One Left Standing (2006)
Elemeno P
Elemeno P
Elemeno P Love & Disrespect
Elemeno P - Urban Getaway (2003)
Elemeno P (L to R): Scotty Pearson, Dave Gibson, Lani Purkis, Justyn Pilbrow
Elemeno P
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
Elemeno P - Verona (2003)
Dave Gibson and Justyn Pilbrow during the filming of the video for Fast Times In Tahoe
Elemeno P's Dave Gibson and Justyn Pilbrow during the filming of the video for their song Nirvana
Lani Purkis
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
Elemeno P at Edgefest Auckland
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
Elemeno P - Burn (2005)
Elemeno P - Baby Come On (2008)
Elemeno P on the cover of Gekkan magazine
Elemeno P at Edgefest Auckland
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
Elemeno P at Homebake festival
Fast Times In Tahoe (2003)
Elemeno P - Better Days (2008)
Dave Gibson
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
Elemeno P - Sounds in the Sun - Auckland - 2010
Elemeno P - Justyn Pilbrow, Scotty Pearson, Dave Gibson, Lani Purkis
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
You Are (2006)
Scotty Pearson and Dave Gibson on the red carpet at the Vodafone NZ Music Awards
Elemeno P - Claim To Fame (2005)
Elemeno P - 11:57 (2005)
Elemeno P - S.O.S. (2007)
Elemeno P - Every Day's A Saturday (2003)
Take The High Road (2008)
Elemeno P press photo, L to R: Lani Purkis, Dave Gibson, Scotty Pearson (absent: Justyn Pilbrow)
Elemeno P - Nirvana (2003)
Louder Louder (2008)
Elemeno P performing at the Civic Theatre in Christchurch, 11 July, 2008
Photo credit: Picture by Juan-Carlos Fernandez
Elemeno P
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
Elemeno P (left to right): Justyn Pilbrow, Dave Gibson, Scotty Pearson and Lani Purkis



Dave Gibson - vocals

Justyn Pilbrow - guitar, vocals

Scotty Pearson - drums, vocals

Lani Purkis - bass, vocals

Godfrey de Grut - keyboards

Paul Gerring - bass

Dave Goodison - guitar

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