Prime Movers

A hot band on the Auckland live scene in the early 1980s, the Prime Movers first came together at their West Auckland secondary school in March 1981.

Nick Crowther (guitar, vocals), Chris Matthews (drums) and Kevin Howlett (bass) had all played in garage bands prior to the Prime Movers. They rehearsed for two weeks and then played nine songs at a local dance. The "riotous reaction" encouraged them to enter the 1981 Battle of the Bands. Although it was only their second gig, they made it into the finals.

The press release announcing Benny Staples replacing Chris Matthews in The Primer Movers, 1982
Nick Crowther and Kevin Howlett, Mainstreet late 1982
Photo credit: Photo by Alison Van Der Aarde
Nick Crowther, Chris Matthews, Kevin Howlett - Mainstreet late 1982
Photo credit: Photo by Alison Van Der Aarde
The Prime Movers - Benny Staples, Nick Crowther, Kevin Howlett
Photo credit: Photo by Murray Cammick
Nick Crowther, Chris Matthews, Kevin Howlett
Photo credit: Photo by Alison Van Der Aarde
Early 1982 Propeller poster - Kevin Howlett, Nick Crowther, Chris Matthews
Nick Crowther
Photo credit: Photo by Alison Van Der Aarde
Kevin Howlett, Chris Matthews, Nick Crowther
Photo credit: Photo by Murray Cammick

Benny Staples - drums

Chris Matthews - drums

Kevin Howlett - bass

Nick Crowther - vocals, guitar



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