Steve McDonald

After a long career with some of New Zealand’s top rock bands, Steve McDonald became a one-man band, creating his wizardry from behind a bank of keyboards and eventually touring the globe as a popular world music drawcard.

The former member of Dizzy Limit, Timberjack, Taylor and The Human Instinct delivered a score of folk rock and haunting atmospheric solo albums that have more recently drawn from his rich Celtic heritage.

Timber jack - Come To The Sabbat (1971)
Steve McDonald - The Riddle and the Rhyme (Ode, 1980)
Timberjack in 1971 with Steve McDonald, Frits Stiger, John Donoghue and Stu Johnstone
The Dizzy Limits, 1966
Steve McDonald
The 1972 album by Taylor, designed by Kevin Dunkley. 
The Dizzy Limit in 1967
The Dizzy Limits, Napier 1967
Steve McDonald, 1994
The unreleased 1975 album by The Human Instinct, Peg Leg. It would finally be issued in 2002.


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